Endorsement Questionnaire:
1) What are your top 3 priorities for improving the biking experience in your Supervisor District for residents and families?
2) Transportation is the largest source of GHG emissions in the County of San Diego, and the County has failed to complete a valid Climate Action Plan including meaningful strategies to support biking and walking in the unincorporated County. How will you ensure that the County reduces transportation emissions and supports increased bike ridership rates?
3) Biking is most viable as a means of transportation to run errands or get to work when land uses are compact, not sprawling. How will you ensure that land use patterns in the County shift toward denser infill development?
4) Safe bike lanes often face opposition by residents due to slower road speeds or reduced street parking. How would you work with the community to address concerns without compromising safety or delaying bike infrastructure in the name of consensus?
5) Please share a memorable experience(s) you have of bicycling.